Monday, December 1, 2008

Baby Alive Food Replacement

Segusini: exhibition of the master Gian Berra

Segusini - Traditional festivities of s. lucia - December 2008

MEETINGS OF ART at the hall "Zancaner" - Piazza luciani



With the presentation of his new novel:

"Wasere, heart dragon "

" As we were one hundred years ago? The imagination and love of Gian Berra for places of birth are an opportunity to present a human reality always in search of their roots forgotten. A poignant story and
Baroque brings to mind and heart of human values \u200b\u200bby the wayside.
Segusino, year 1906, is the stage where life and the events seem to resemble so much to those of our day: the greatest heroes are those who do not see or remember. E 'ordinary people with tenacity and pride that keeps its value "

OPENING: Saturday, December 13, 2008, at 17:30
With the presence of the artist.

The exhibition will continue until Sunday, December 21, 2008
Opening hours: Saturday and holidays: 12.10 am, afternoon 16-19
Weekdays: 16-19