Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bangbros Safe Payment

gianberra change in web address ends

The Artist needs fat, casein and good bread or pizza and wine and milk ... no thoughts of effort to get these things much too. He, the Artist has the right as it does for the entire life of the party hero who represents the benefit of the follies of society unable or unwilling chance to see their very essence.

A heroic statement with very long maturities beyond the material life of the author, who usually crack alone, forlorn and almost forgotten. Meanwhile, the mafia of the sacred ensure that no institution can make a mistake, or risk losing face. The artist loses it every day.

Gian Berra ranges disoriented, but determined and propose a new link for part "gianberra"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wedding Card Kannada Proverbs

.... to all visitors to the blog

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Get Store Credits On Poptropica

the year 2009 on the outskirts Venetian ...

intimacy of this suburb Venetian also ends in 2009. A strange year and stormy. Load anxieties: people begin to feel that things are about to make a real difference in our "dear" West.

will difficult to rediscover our true roots. Have been torn from the heart of our people for more than two thousand years. Perhaps they are lost forever. But it does not hurt groped. Sometimes just a look at the nature and take it for what it is. God exists and the fact that you see. But maybe it will take two hundred years to find pleasant. We are no more.

the new link for the site gianberra2

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Phrases Of Encouragement In French

1) continues the journey of SCULPTURE ixi RANGE 2 of cecilia Falasca from Como to Milan in the room with friends of Nicole BEFORE ... 30/10/2009

coordinator Nicole Garofalo (artist)

ph Nicoletta Garofalo


James (50 year employee)

"San Siro"


"Roman Aqueduct"

"Berlin Wall"

collective (Luca, Luigi, Roberto, Liliana)


collective then Roberto


Stefano Lucon (free professional )
"coming not very well ..."

" Koffee Haus "
Nico and Louis



Cristian (35 years, entrepreneur, one of the managers of local BEFORE )
and fill in the form attached to SCULPTURE ixi GAMMA 2

continues .....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

World Of Alice Robot Addy

pictures SCULPTURE ixi (itinerant - interactive) GAMMA 2

hosted stand CMC in Marine Boat Show at Genoa (Hall / Stand Superior M5)

news on CMC Marine

CMC Marine is a company founded in 2005 by Ing. Alexander Cappiello, and deals with the design and construction of marine automation systems, in particular stabilizing fins and low - thrusters.
In the picture the structure in the foreground is a stabilizer fin electrical actuation,
innovation compared to traditional hydraulic actuation systems, for which the invention is the trustee of a CMC "b Revett for industrial invention.

because RANGE 2 is hosted by the CMC Marine

Although apparently it seems that a sculpture like that realizzatadall'artista Cecilia Falasca has little to do with marine engineering, in fact the intention of the engineer Cappiello nell'esporla at its booth at the show Naval of Genoa is to emphasize mainly two aspects: the first
is that, as in the creation of a sculpture, a piece in the production of mechanical attention is required and a special study of harmony and balance of forms

the second is that art, training the mind to be llo , curiosity and of the desire to create, is a constant stimulus to research and innovation.

Some "interactions" with the sculpture ixi RANGE 2 of cecilia Falasca made in Genoa Boat Show at the stand of CMC Marine

coordinator Catherine Cappiello

ph Catherine Cappiello

Catherine 10/04/2009

"compass rose"
Catherine Cappiello 05/10/2009

random 4 / 10 / 09
Andrea Sculati of Novara (by the public relations of the CMC),
has named his work, because it completely random

4 / 10/09

Francesco Ortolani (commander of the ship ...) 10/05/2009

Fabiana 10/05/2009


1 2
"Cake Bridal "1 and 2
Silverio Della Rosa (engineer CMC)

Carletto (engineer CMC) 10/10/2009

during its happening with sculpture ixi RANGE 2,
was thinking about how to make peace with his Russian bride ...